SHOP MY PRESCHOOL FAVS: No 1. Splatter Shirt || No 2. Animal Mask || No 3. Condiment Shirt || No 4. Joggers || No 5. Personalize Lunchbox || No 6. White Pocket Tee || No 7. Sandwich Cutters || No 8. Play Shorts || No 9. Backpack || No 10. Banana Swim Trunks || No 11. French Fry T-Shirt || No 12. Native Shoes || No 13. Zip Pocket Shorts || No 14. Rash Guard Bathing Suit
I can’t believe Roux is headed to preschool! You can check out how we prepped him for classroom learning here. So far, he’s super excited. We can’t wait for him to meet his teachers and start making new friends!
I wanted to share some items and clothing picks I’ve found for Roux as we prep for back to school! I like to purchase higher-quality clothing pieces one size up. That way, they’ll last longer and he’ll grow into them!
My favorite place to shop for Roux’s clothes is Nordstrom. The Tiny Tribe brand is SO CUTE and has a lot of different styles without too many characters. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE a good Disney Tee, but for everyday wear, I prefer fewer logos and more kid-friendly design.
PRO TIP: Shop clearance items! The products are the same quality at half the price!
I also really like H&M and Target for more budget-friendly kid fashion. They both offer a great selection of styles. I still buy one size up so they last longer!
You can shop the full post here! I also have been updating my Amazon store with some cute finds (i.e. more backpacks I LOVE).
Let me know where you like to shop for your kids in the comments below! I love being introduced to new brands!