Having a Healthy Mindset During the Holidays

The holidays are such a fun season but keeping a healthy mindset can be difficult. There are so many memories to make, so many events, and so many traditions to take part in. Every holiday inevitably includes a lot of foods you typically don’t eat that often – and while they are delicious, they aren’t really good for you.

What are you going to do though, not enjoy any of it!? I hope not!

I’m a firm believer in enjoying your holidays, and even your favorite holiday treats. A big part of this is making sure you have other boundaries and safeguards in place to help you keep it all balanced!

For me, staying healthy and having a healthy mindset during the holidays isn’t just about our waistline or the number on the scale. It really isn’t. It’s about a lot more than that.

Think about our schedules during the holidays – they become really packed really quickly, don’t they? It’s no wonder many people feel stressed and burnt out before the BIG DAY is even here.

Whether you’re feeling stressed about time management, spending, or about your fitness – there are things you can do ahead of time to really set yourself up for success.

The biggest challenge that comes with overindulging – is how you get back on track to healthy living – and more specifically how quickly you get back on track to healthy living.

It’s not going to do you or anyone around you any good if you are just beating yourself up over every bite you choose, or if you feel the need to restrict yourself in a way that feels miserable. It doesn’t have to be that way!

Let me share some of my tips for having a HEALTHY mindset during the holidays – because that is actually the KEY to getting back to taking GREAT care of your health during the season and when the holidays have passed.

Decide what is right for you in this season.

EVERYONE has different health goals. EVERYONE’s health goals have a different level of urgency. Someone recovering from a recent heart attack or managing blood sugars is very different from the person working to lose 5-10lbs as a personal goal. What are some areas that need to truly be OFF LIMITS because your life depends on it – and which areas are a little more flexible?

What do you actually ENJOY doing during this season?

Are there events or activities that have crept into your schedule that actually cause a lot of stress – or are things you/your family don’t even enjoy that much? Why not take those off the list this year and only say YES to the things you really love? Make a list together & freely say NO to the outliers.

Does your family have a “down day” during the week?

This is really crucial for us, even during the holidays. We have very busy weeks and weekends and it’s really nice to protect a specific day of the week or time of day when you can simply be at home, recharge, or feel prepared for what’s to come.

When it comes to movement – don’t overthink it!

Our family likes to push play on our digital workouts from our fitness library. But we also incorporate a family walk or bike ride, especially on those FEAST-type days! ALL movement is good movement! On actual holiday days – my husband and I usually make a commitment to one another to wake up before everyone else and get 30 minutes of movement in. Not only is this great quiet and quality husband and wife time during typical crazy days – but when it’s prioritized in the morning – it’s a really empowering way to start the day!

It’s also totally ok to take REST DAYS on the holiday days! But have a plan on all the days surrounding the holiday! Remember, this is about MORE than weight loss or waistlines. This is all about your health – physical and mental! We like to lay out our clothes the night before & we sometimes extend the invite to friends to come over or for family to wake up early with us to get moving too. Accountability makes a difference!

When it comes to food choices – my advice is to make mindful decisions.

This just means you should avoid eating unhealthy foods in auto-pilot mode. Make the decision ahead of time and make the decision worth it! Don’t eat just to eat – eat it and enjoy it! Be sure you are incorporating other foods into the day as well that will add to your health!

We start the day with superfood smoothies for breakfast every day – but we especially make this a priority when we know we are going to enjoy ALL THE FOODS later in the day. We like to make sure we are eating at least one salad a day leading up to the holidays. This is easy to remember and easy to incorporate. We also like to make sure we have a few vegetable dishes on the actual menu for everyone to enjoy. This has been a good balance for us!

Prioritize rest in this season!

There will definitely be late nights, road trips, and all the get-togethers – but you will be better positioned to make good and mindful decisions when you are rested! Resting can be quite an indulgence! Even if your version of rest is sitting in the living room together to watch a Christmas movie by the tree! Take the downtime and enjoy it! 

SPENDING can feel stressful!

What if you had a discussion with your spouse this year and made decisions ahead of time? This might be a good year to discuss some spending boundaries or limitations that will leave your family in a better spot post-holiday. You could suggest a gift exchange with your family where you draw names instead of having to purchase for everyone. You could suggest following a simple list for children like something to read, something to wear, something to learn, something you need, something to share, something to do, something you want, and something for you!

Modify that however you want – you can even ask kids to make a list of TOP 5 wishes. Ask grandparents or extended family to consider planning an experience gift for your child or your family instead of a toy or a thing. And consider doing the same for them! ONE meaningful gift that includes quality time is a huge win in my book! Remember, this season isn’t about the size of your budget! You can bring back HOMEMADE gifts and quality time gifts in a really special way!

I hope you ENJOY this holiday season in a new way this year. I hope the stress is way less and the joy is way more! As always, if you’ve learned any ways to have a more mindful and healthy holiday season – I would love to hear your tips too!


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