Many of you know that I used to be a full-time nurse. It was 2013, Loren and I were newlyweds, and we were barely making ends meet. I first became a Coach, for the discount on my wellness products, not my passion for the business ;). You can read more on my journey here.
When I made the decision to work for myself full time, I thought long and hard about what I wanted for my future. Did I want to work around the clock as a nurse and potentially miss out on moments with my future children because of being stuck in a 12 hour shift? Did I truly LOVE being a nurse? [the answer was yes]. Is this lifestyle what’s best for my family? [the answer was no]. Asking myself these hard questions and using the 5 tips below, helped me find a career that I am so passionate about that I never feel the ‘Sunday Scaries’. I wake up with a smile on my face knowing that I get to connect with and help WONDERFUL women every day!!
I hope some of these tips can help you make a change in the New Year! You don’t necessarily have to change your whole career. If you focus on making a change, maybe you can finally find a passion that resonates with you and makes you jump out of bed every morning!
Ask Yourself : “What do I LOVE and what am I naturally good at?”

You were already born with a unique talent that can simply be developed and improved on. More than likely, the things that come easily to you may even be what you enjoy the most. Author John Maxwell often talks about focusing on your strengths and not your weaknesses. The way he explains it has stuck with me for 7 years.
Take your natural STRENGTH – and assign it a number. You may not be the BEST EVER at this skill – but naturally, you may be a 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. If you focus on that skill and work to improve it – it is very possible that you could improve to a 9 or a 10.
Then think of your weaknesses. If you’re, a 0 or 1 in an area – you would have to work insanely hard…to what, maybe be a 6 or a 7 MAX? They are not likely to achieve a “10” in that area because it is not a natural strength of theirs.
Try it. Identify the things that come naturally to you – the things you love. Start to explore those talents.
What tugs at your heart or fires you up?
Are there certain services, a need in the world, or a role you’d love to fill in your community? Maybe it’s volunteer work, a hobby, or maybe it’s a path you can explore for future opportunities.
There is so much power in listening to your heart, your instincts, and your gut!
Think about your life’s GREATER purpose.
It’s way too easy to stay focused on the day-to-day priorities and neglect the bigger picture of your life’s purpose – life’s passion. As you refresh yourself on these bigger goals: spiritual life, health, relationships, and finances – it becomes a little easier to make decisions on the yeses that you commit to, the chances you take, and the paths you walk down.
What would your life look like if you had zero limitations? Unlimited time, money, resources, and opportunities. What would that look like for you? The IDEAL life. As you continue to think on these things you will find powerful triggers that pull you in the right direction and keep you on track.
Your life’s purpose or the dreams for your life are your very own. They do NOT need to make “sense” to anyone else. I love to imagine my “ideal” day either during the holidays OR early in the morning on a regular weekday. What does it look like? Who is there? What does your environment feel like? Do you hear anything? Might seem silly at first – but trust me, it is powerful to get CLARITY on this!
Think about the times in your life when you’ve experienced great JOY!
Make a list. They may be memories from childhood, from a trip you took, from college, a job you had, a project you finished, an environment you were in…. list them out.
Then try to connect the dots. Can you find a pattern in these memories?
For me, many of my favorite JOY memories are when I was serving, helping, teaching, and leading others. I would LOVE to hear about the patterns you find!
Take the PASSION test!

This was created by Chris and Janet Attwood.
You start by filling in the blank 15 times for the following statement: “When my life is ideal, I am ___.” Make sure to use verbs in the blanks.
After you create 15 statements – you choose the Top 5 CORE statements – simply by comparing two at a time and deciding which statement is more important to you. Then you take the winner statement and compare it against the next one.
When you’re done you will have 5 passion statements for your life. You will be able to use these and easily tell if you are living out your passions in your life.
Here are some of my statements from the 15 statement exercise:
- My life is ideal when I’m being of service to women who are nurturing young families.
- My life is ideal when I’m present and flexible with my family at home while still building a business.
- My life is ideal when I’m helping people live healthier lives at home.
- My life is ideal when I’m speaking to and teaching large groups how to create more freedom for their lives.
- My life is ideal when I’m plugged into a faith community.
- My life is ideal when I’m helping leaders elevate to their next level of success or influence.
I hope some of these tips resonate with you! If you’re interested in joining me as a full-time fitness influencer, fill out this form. If you are ready for more consistent home workouts with a supportive community, join me for one of my upcoming fit camps!
Please share any motivation tips you have in the comments below. I would LOVE to hear your tips and tricks!