12 Tips For Staying Motivated While Growing A Business

This month I’m attending a local work event. It will be filled with meetings, workshops, and workouts! Whenever we have these meetings, I reflect on how far I’ve come since first became an online fitness coach. I started out just wanting a discount on products and today I’m running my own business and helping hundreds of people reach their fitness goals. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come, but it hasn’t been an easy journey. If you’re just starting out, I wanted to share some tips that have helped me stay motivated during hard times!

Create a personal Vision Statement[s]

Don’t just refer back to it when times get tough, read it daily.

Personally, I’ve created really powerful vision statements and for years now and I read them every single day. I actually have them recorded in my ThinkUp App and I start my day every day listening to the vision I have for my life. I talk about my business, but I also talk about the other important things to me. My faith, my marriage, my parenting, my health, my leadership, the legacy I am building for my family, the type of people I am working with, etc. It’s a vision cast for my WHOLE LIFE – not just my business, but it all goes together. 

There are hard days when I do not feel like showing up simply for the financial reward, but I will show up for my son and the example he deserves. 

Acknowledge Where You Started

Look back on old goals when setting new ones.

Sometimes the best teacher is our past. When we first set out building a business, we can usually find some relentless determination and work ethic that got us up off the ground. Is there anything you did at the beginning of your journey that really helped you to launch yourself? Anything you can pinpoint that you have gotten away from? Consistency? Persistence? Vision? Find the little things that you did to get started to motivate you moving forward.

Take Time For Things That Bring You Joy

Oh, this is a hard one! It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of running a business. The to-do list is literally never done. There is ALWAYS something to do, an email to return, a gift to send, content to tweak, a new trend to research, or a brand to revise.

Take time to do things you enjoy – go for a long walk, work out, go out for a nice meal. Your life is just as important as your business. These things fill you up, prevent burnout, give you more relatable content, and often spark future creativity. If you need a lot of help in this area as I did, try pre-scheduling a few days a month for FUN DAYs, SOLO DAYs, or even DATE days. Having something on the calendar IN ADVANCE really helps it fit in without stressful disruption to your deadlines or goals… and it stays… well, fun!


Remember, if God put the dream in your heart. He will provide the way, equip you, and walk with you every step!

Look At The Lives Of The People You Are Helping

Your customers are benefitting from whatever it is that you offer. You are making a difference. Keep SERVICE as the main initiative and keep going!

Talk It Out

Turn to your community when you are stuck. Talk with employees, other entrepreneurs. An outside opinion can help you see another perspective and help solve problems in ways you maybe wouldn’t have thought of yourself. 

Create Goals + Define SUCCESS For Yourself

Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals. Each day, wake up and make a list of tasks. At the end of the month check in on the list to see how you’re doing and what you can do to get back on track.

You need to understand how you define success. What does that look like for you? For some it will be financial, for others, it will be a certain work schedule or more space on the calendar. Think about it and make sure you’re working for what you actually want.

Establish A Routine

I love my routine. It helps me create a true work-life balance in addition to being more productive with the time I have. When you have set times that you know you can attend to work priorities – your stress and distraction levels really even out. You KNOW you can count on that focused time most days – so when it’s playtime or time to cook dinner for the family – you can be all there.

Never Stop Learning

If you are subscribed to my newsletter, you have probably have seen that I read and listen to business podcasts regularly. I LOVE learning. I like to look at other successful people to learn what methods they used to find their success and identify how I can use their methods in my life. Along with the tactical stuff – you must continue to expose yourself to people who have strong and healthy MINDSETS. You can have all the skills in the world – but if you do not have a healthy mindset, you will not thrive.

Surround Yourself With A Good Community

When you’re not following a linear path, some people in your life might start to question your decisions. Allow yourself to distance yourself from those who aren’t supportive of your goals. 

Stay In Your Lane

Stop comparing yourself to others! You are on your own journey. Focus on what works for YOU and YOUR growth — that may not look like anyone else’s journey and that’s okay! Remember that rate of success is going to be different for everyone and varies so much depending on the industry. You also have to remember that LIKES do not always equal SUCCESS or IMPACT – so don’t get all worked up about other people’s journey. Be inspired!

Celebrate Your Wins!

Don’t be shy – celebrate when you meet your goals! This is really important. The destination can be rewarding – but it’s often the JOURNEY that holds the biggest rewards! Take the time to celebrate!

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